


While most institutions of higher education are grappling with the impact of shifting demographics, rising costs and reduced state and federal support on their operations, 这种大环境使得小型学院尤其脆弱. 大学的其他特色, 包括它是一个半私人的, 文理学院和历史悠久的黑人学院, 提供进一步的压力源. 在这样的环境下, 历史上许多小公司采用的筹资模式, 私人,and 半私人的 文科院校s is particularly challenged.

This model is built on the premise that institutional operating budgets will grow at a slow pace, but remain balanced by complementary revenue growth from tuition increases and steady fundraising. It is further assumed that good stewardship of the resources towards fulfilling the institution mission will allow all such factors to remain stable. In 2017, the Association of Governing Boards for 大学 and Colleges (AGB) published a white paper suggesting that the current climate makes it harder to realize this model and is threatening the long-term stability of small institutions. The paper offers alternative models toward promoting lasting fiscal health. 特别有趣的是(1)独特的程序模型, 利用独特的利基方法来打造品牌, 招收和留住学生, (2)可拓模型, which focuses on additional professional or graduate programs to enhance enrollment. Both offer great models that may be applied to Lincoln University as a small, 半私人的, 文科院校.


The 21st century economy is best characterized as global, dynamic and knowledge based. Many of the shifts and changes in industry are fueled by rapid advances in science and technology. 由于这些因素, the world is experiencing unprecedented levels of global competition and market disruptions. 在回应, many higher education experts suggest that universities redouble their efforts to develop and hone students’ intellectual and interpersonal skills toward producing graduates able to tool and retool themselves as needed. Current literature suggests that the liberal arts approach is the best method for achieving this end. 其他好处包括, a liberal arts education uses curricular and co-curricular opportunities as vehicles for practicing and mastering important skills, 比如写作, 批判性思维, 团队合作, 文化能力和领导力. 对我们的战略目标至关重要, the University’s liberal arts approach must place great emphasis on the intellectual development of students.


高影响力教学法 (HIPs) are instructional approaches that make a significant difference to student persistence, 学习成果和学生成功. 这些方法包括第一年的研讨会, 学习社区, writing-intensive课程, 协作作业和项目, 本科研究, 多样性/全球学习, 服务学习, 以社区为基础的学习, 实习, 以及顶点课程和项目. HIPs positively relate to persistence and grade point averages, 更高的师生互动率, 提高批判性思维和写作技巧, greater appreciation for diversity and higher student engagement. 此外, 少数民族学生, lower socio-economic-status and/or with lower academic credentials tend to gain more from these practices than other students. To maximize the success of the students that the University serves, it is crucial that the University create curricular and co-curricular opportunities based upon such powerful instructional approaches.


Lincoln University has been a member of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education since 1972. 作为国家相关机构, the Commonwealth provides the University with an annual financial appropriation in exchange for offering tuition discounts to students who are residents of Pennsylvania. Nearly 50 percent of all University students are citizens of the Commonwealth. The University’s state appropriation represents nearly 25 percent of Lincoln’s annual operating budget (an increase from 17.5% in 2012). The University also receives financial assistance for capital projects. 近年来, there has been much debate among state legislators regarding funding the state-related universities which—in addition to Lincoln University—includes Penn State, 匹兹堡大学和坦普尔大学. The debates have often caused delays in the passing of the state budget. While there appears great support for Lincoln University at the local and state levels, state investment in higher education is decreasing nationwide. This trend must be considered as the University plans for its strategic investments over the next five years.

历史上的黑人大学 & 大学

A December 2017 report commissioned by the United Negro College Fund highlights the continued positive impact of HBCUs on individuals as well as local and national economies. The report notes that African Americans who graduate from HBCUs fare better personally and financially than those who receive degrees from non-HBCUs. 目前, HBCUs enroll nearly 10 percent and graduate nearly 17 percent of all African Americans attending college—while only representing 3 percent of the nation’s higher education institutions. The study reports that HBCUs generate a total economic impact of nearly $15 billion; for every $1 million spent by an HBCU, 新增13个就业岗位*. 尽管有这些数据, HBCUs继续在招生问题上苦苦挣扎, 具有讽刺意味的是, 因为平权法案扩大了机会. 萎缩的入学率, 再加上小额捐赠和赠款组合, 给许多黑人机构造成了财政压力. 其结果是:基础设施崩溃, lack of scholarships and declining outcomes in terms of retention and graduation rates. 对这个问题的回应包括任务蠕变, reduction in admission criteria and gutted programs as some institutions struggle to garner the resources necessary to stay afloat. As a result, many HBCUs are straining to define their distinctive worth. Clearly defining Lincoln University’s contemporary value proposition must become the foundation for its strategic goals. * http://www.uncf.org/news/entry/hbcus-make-america-strong